Monday, 23 March 2009


I didn't have a clue about podcasting before these sessions- hadn't ever listened to one, didn't really know where to find them! But now I realise that they're actually all over the place! You can get podcasts of news, interviews, poetry- whatever you'd want! The video we were shown in the lecture helped explain what they were and when I started thinking about it I realsised how beneficial they could be when used in the classroom.

I think podcasting is a really good way of improving speaking and listening; children can really get involved in activities such as creating a radio show without realising that they're developing loads of important skills. Podcasting could even be a good tool for teachers- audio learners may find listening to a lesson beneficial as would children with hearing difficulties.

I actually enjoyed making our podcast- I really didn't think I would 'cos I hate the sound of my voice when it's recorded! haha! But I think it turned out well. We used the software Podium which was very simple to use and a good program for use in the classroom. It had some useful features such as creating a script (more Literacy links!) and I found it useful separating the podcast into chapters as that lowers the risk of making a mistake and having to do the whole thing again!

Here is a link to a case study of one schools approach to podcasting:

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